Visiting Your Local Recycling Centre: A Guide

You are probably familiar with the process of recycling at home. You rinse out our recyclable materials, place them in the corresponding bin, and voila! But what happens next? Many don't give it much thought, but it's important to understand where our recyclables end up and how they're processed. This blog post takes a look at what happens when your recyclables arrive at the local recycling centre.


The first step involves sorting the materials. This is when workers at the recycling centre separate materials by type. This step is important because different materials require different processing techniques. Once sorted, materials are compacted and sent to a facility where they will be made into new products.


The most common types of recyclables are paper and cardboard, metal, and plastic. Below is a closer look at how each of these materials is recycled.

Paper and cardboard

Paper and cardboard are typically recycled into new paper products such as toilet paper rolls, cereal boxes, and office paper. The recycling process begins by breaking down the paper into small fibres. These fibres are then mixed with water and chemicals to create a slurry. The slurry is then passed through rollers that squeeze out the water and form new sheets of paper.

Metal recycling

Metal recycling usually refers to aluminium cans but can also include steel and other metals. The first step in recycling metal is to crush the cans so that they take up less space. Next, they are cleaned and separated by type. Once separated, they are melted down and formed into new products such as bicycles, cars, and metal used in construction.

Plastic recycling

Plastic recycling is a bit more complicated than other types of recycling because there are lots of different types of plastic. Plastic is typically sorted by type and then melted down so that it can be formed into new products such as toys, furniture, or piping.


Recycling is an important part of conserving our natural resources, but it's only one piece of the puzzle. Reducing consumption and wasting less is also key to living a more sustainable lifestyle. Hopefully, this article has given you some insight into what happens to your waste once it is picked up from your curb. If you would like to find out more, contact your local recycling depot today. A contractor will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
